- FAAC Solar Panel Kit is designed to use with B614 24v Barrier, B680H 24v Barrier, C720 and C721 Sliding Gate Operators.
- FAAC Solar Panel Kit is designed to use with our E124 24v Control Board and E024S Control Board.
- The kit has been sized to work in locations where supplying mains voltage would not be practical or the cost implications would be significant and the expected usage is relatively low throughout the day.
- For Remote Locations with limited usage (Use Calculator to determine suitability).
- Compatible with our current 24v Control Board Range.
- Easy to assemble with no special tools required (please note a mobile scaffold tower is recommended during final assembly).
- Item
- Single Kit
- Double Kit
- 100w Solar Panels 1200mm x 54nn x 35mm each
- 2
- 10A 12V/24V Controler
- 1
- MC4 Connectot (pair)
- 1
- 5m Battery cable 2.5mm2 with fuse
- 1
- 12v 45Ah Battery
- 2
- Steel Enclosure 210mm x 500mm x 500mm
- 1
- Vent for enclosure
- 1
- Battery Shelf
- 1
- Cable gland
- 3
- Molex connector
- 1
- Solar panel support frame
- 1
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- You can call for free on 0800 112 400
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